Pancake Creek, Qld
Sand Fly Wars
In my past life as a transport company
supervisor in Port Hedland, I fought a war with the dreaded sand fly… and
lost. The little blighters seemed to be able to out flank any barrier I put up,
sneaking up when I least expect them, applying shock and awe tactics on my body
parts and my nerves.
So after crossing the Tropic of Capricorn and
entering the tropics of Australia I had some trepidation about entering sand
fly territory, with good reason.
I fact it was with some genuine fear that I
ventured ashore the tidal flats at Fraser Island. I had long pants, long
sleeves, hat, socks and reef shoes on in preparation. I also chose a path to
walk along on higher ground and tried not to stand still at any time.
It wasn’t enough. I arrived back on board
Easy Tiger sure that I had outsmarted these pin head sized pests. An hour or so
later I had an irresistible urge to scratch behind my knees. On inspection the
sure sign of little red welts like pimples started to appear. Sand flies had
Seems I had been attacked either through my
pants or, the mini s.o.b's had sent scouting parties up the leg of my trousers.
The next night they sent in a battalion. I
woke up in the middle of the night with an overpowering need to scratch the
skin off my calfs, behind my knees and one arm up to the elbow.
I defended with a double dose of
antihistamine tablets, lying in bed trying to will myself not to scratch the
areas of their incursion.
The next day we retreated. We left Garry’s
anchorage and didn’t get off the boat until safely in neutral territory of
Bundaberg. Here I rebuilt my defenses.
Vitamin B was supposed to make sand flies
uninterested in you. So each morning I down the huge brown tablet. Turning my pee fluorescent yellow is the only
noticeable difference so far.
Tea Tree oil mixed with lemongrass oil is
applied to any bare skin several times a day to keep them at bay. This makes my
skin nice, slippery and shiny.
Bushman’s Super Turbo Boosted Ultra Supreme
bug repellent was purchased as a last resort. I haven’t used this yet as I am
not sure my organs will cope with such a high level of chemical applied to my
Applying anti septic cream that has a mild
anesthetic to the red welts as they appear was supposed to reduce the itching.
Nope. The only difference with this one was to by my bank account.
Dettol hand wash had kept the barricades up a
little better during the previous war, and bathing the red welts in straight
Dettol bought some relief from the itching.
Over a hundred dollars poorer for the
experience, we ventured out of Bundaberg.
Our sailing around Australia adventures
aboard Easy Tiger brought us to Pancake Creek this week. Pancake Creek is
between Bundaberg and Gladstone in Queensland.
Not what one would imagine form the name, Pancake creek is a quite wide body of shallow water. We managed to follow the deepest channel for a couple of nautical miles until we came across a sandy bottomed lagoon formed by drying sand banks a hundred or
so metres from a pretty little beach.
The whole scene was really picture perfect.
There was even a splattering of palm trees on the beach. There has to be a downside to everything. Ying
and yang, cause and effect, action and reaction. One had to assume with good reason that the
enemy would be close by.
So after getting the dinghy off, ready for a
beach landing, I popped another vitamin B horse sized tablet. I coated my body
in Tea Tree and Lemongrass. I applied a liberal dose of Aerogard. I put
Antispetic ointment on the few remaining itch sites. I coated my arms in Dettol
handwash, then believing I was in total sand fly camouflage we headed to the
beach for a stroll.
No sooner had we landed and tied up the
dinghy, Leanne started slapping her legs saying that she was being bitten. Oh my god… run, was my first thought. I was
attacked and had at least a hundred nasty little pimple welts on my body at
Garry’s anchorage. Leanne; had none. Not one. So, if she was already under
attack I must have been swamped.
I don’t know what I did to the sand fly gods.
When I was a kid I did set fire to many an ants’ nest. Are they related? Is this revenge for past
actions on my part? Why else would these miniscule marauders seek me out?
I did brave it out. I didn’t run. I manned up
and we enjoyed an hour or so on the beach at Pancake creek. I even agreed to
the half hour dinghy ride around the mangroves “exploring”, knowing that I was
a sitting duck for any sand fly within 200 metres. I did draw the line when
Leanne suggested we skinnydip in what was a beautiful little secluded bay we
It was a nervous wait until night fell. Had
the preventatives worked? I was still slippery from the Tea Tree /Lemongrass
oil and smelled like the operating theatre of a hospital from the Dettol.
Then my hopes were dashed when I found myself
scratching my arm while reading. Didn’t even realize I was doing it until it
was too late. All over my arms and legs red dots began appearing and urging me
to scratch them like a crazy computer game. Game over. Sand flies win in
straight sets. Thank you linesmen, thank you ball boys!
I spent all night tossing and turning,
scratching and rubbing. Several applications of special cream were made during
the night to no avail. The itchiness of sand flies attack is incredible. When
you do relent and scratch the feeling of scratching is almost erotic.
The term attack is what I prefer to use
rather than the actual action that the sand fly uses to cause this overwhelming
reaction. I have been told that they actually inject their urine into your
skin. Not a nice thought.
We won’t be scared off by crocodiles, or
beaten off by the threat of sharks or worried away by box jellyfish. At least
most of those would kill you off quick smart. No, it may well be that I am
driven out of northern Australia by a miniature pest that keeps peeing on me
and making me want to tear my skin off spot by spot.
Beach Landing at Pancake Creek |
Sand Fly bait... |
Among the Palm Trees...the enemy lurks!
And she still has not one bite!!! |
Oh Oh! Sunset. Prime Sand Fly time. |