12/4/2013 Many
No matter where
we are, whenever we are together with the “Zofian’s” (aka Brian and Eva of SV
Zofia) we have quite a few laughs.
On Brian’s
birthday he received a gift of a replica police cap. As they were on board Easy
Tiger for lunch at the time, I raced inside and got my fire service hat. We
also found a customs officer hat in our collection. That hat we sat
on our table and toasted the third member of our sailing trio who was absent, but would
have worn the customs hat with pride.
We laughed at
Brian with his hat on as he tried to be authoritarian in a cockney accent attached to a red when slur. I was putting my head up
to the horizon in search of any sign of smoke, while advising
everyone that I was a “coiled spring”, ready for action with hose at the ready.
It was decided
that what was needed next was an Indian head-dress and a construction workers
helmet so that we would have the entire village people collection!
The topic of
hats, reminded me of a book that I read by Edward de bono, called 6 thinking
hats. That book explains that there are 6 ways of looking at a problem or even
6 ways to answer a question.
I started
thinking of the many hats that people on a sailing adventure must wear and how
important it is to share these hats around.
1. The Captains Hat; On Easy Tiger, I wear the
captains hat. The buck has to stop somewhere. It doesn’t mean that I make all
the decisions, as anyone who knows Leanne will attest. I tend to do the passage
planning, setting the waypoints etc...
2. The First Mate /Communications Hat; Leanne is the
first mate on Easy Tiger. She does most of the vhf radio work, contacting VMR’s
and logging on to marine safety networks. Plus Leanne makes many suggestions on
passage planning etc…
3.The Weather Hat; We made a decision recently that
we will both look at the weather forecasts every day at breakfast. The weather forecasts
dictate what we do every day.
4. The Catering / Providors hat; Leanne wears this
one on Easy Tiger. We try to do major provisioning whenever and wherever
facilities are easy to access.
5.The Engineers Hat, Its my brief to keep everything
working, maintained and serviced on Easy Tiger. Fuel and water come under this
6.Sail masters Hat; I do most of the sail set up
and trim on Easy Tiger, although Leanne does the trim when she is on watch.
7. Ropes and storage hat; I will be the first to
admit that when it comes to rolling ropes up neatly and packing away I am unco,
and dyslexic. I tie the knots, Leanne tidies and wrangles the ropes, fenders
8. Fishing hat; Leanne is undoubtedly the master of
fishing on Easy Tiger. My inability with ropes is only surpassed with my inability
with fishing line.
9.Deckhand Hat; Outside the boat is my brief. The
dew must be mopped off each morning and we like to keep the decks free of bird
messages and dust. Inside is Leanne’s domain.
10. Anchoring / Mooring crew hat; When we are going
to anchor I am on the front deck with Leanne on the helm, when we approach a
mooring Leanne is on deck and I run the helm.
11. Socialiser’s Hat; I think it’s fair to say that
Leanne specializes in keeping in touch with family and friends, face booking
and organizing social events. My bit is to write the blog.
12.Watch keeper’s hat; Leanne and I share this hat
when on passages. We normally run around three hour watches but this is a
nominal figure that is often varied as to how we are feeling at the time.
With at least twelve different hats worn by cruising sailors, it is
easy to see why things on board can get a bit heated and one or the other can
feel a bit miffed.
We find that a fair distribution of hats is what works best for us. The
real trick to teamwork on board comes in assisting the other with their current
hat, not trying to wear it for them.
Who's hat is that? |
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Riding in the dinghy hat |
Working hat |
Off to the races Hat. |
The best hat... a free one. |
Desert Hats |
Safety hats...thank goodness! |
Watch keepers Hat. |
We can't add any contribution to the hat collection other than to submit our boat as an entrant