15/12/2014 = Crown Marina, North Haven, Adelaide
The Week
that Was
In the
blink of an eye a week has gone past, making it 2 weeks since we got back to
Easy Tiger and preparations for continuing our sailing adventures.
decided after a few days of scrubbing, rubbing and polishing, that a change of
scenery might be nice. Marina Adelaide is a very good marina, and Richard the
yard manager had been very helpful but the lure of moving (even if it ws just a few kilometres) was irresistible.
With the
generous offer of a vehicle, we had a quick visit to another marina on the west
coast of Adelaide called Crown Marina.
As there
are shops, a tavern and the Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia all within
walking distance of the marina, we booked in on the spot and will be
here until the first week of February.
Tiger hasn’t enjoyed being left for months on end with just water rats and
sparrows for company. So we are very wary about what we will find as we start our preparations for the next part of our sailing adventures. For example, we had been told that there were sparrows nesting in our sail bag. So we hoisted the main sail to remove the nests but couldn't get it down because the mast car ball bearings were full of dirt and jammed. These small jobs I see as just part of having a boat, I said to myself as I spent the day cleaning out the mast track and the mast cars.
We had been cleaning up after water rats and sparrows for several days, so I hadn't had time to check the engines. Then came moving day. After firing up
the starboard engine I soon found the next problem. The saltwater pump had
Not to worry, I said. Just part of owning a boat. But, the further I got into the task the darker my mood became. As the saltwater pump is on the bottom of the engine, First
of all I had to manouvre my body (182cms (6ft) and 90kgs) into the engine bay, then I had to lie on the engine, wrapping my arms around it, in a very intimate bear
who has done a similar task would know that engines have many sharp pointy
bits, arranged so that if you are lying on the top of one, giving it a bear hug,
said sharp pointy bits stick into ones arm pits, rib cage and worst of all the
area that men hold most dear.
This was
so that I could twist my neck at a very unusual angle to be able to see one of
the three bolts holding the water pump on to the engine. I could just get in to place to see the bolt that needed to be turned. What I couldn't see was approximately 2 centimetres above the back of my head, where there was a
piece of aluminium which holds the steering cable. Every time I moved more than 2 centimetres I would bump my head on it.
To add to my mounting injury list and my darkening mood, after untangling my self and staggering to the phone, I rang the suppliers of the offending water pump. The supplier told me that there were no new pumps in Australia and the price of
supplying one ex Singapore is $1000!
recovering from the shock, and while almost incapable of coherent thought, Leanne suggested I try WD 40 to try to get the pump spinning freely. Like any man whose wife makes such good practical suggestions, I gave an appreciative grunt then stated categorically that it wouldn't work. Just to humour her, I used a couple of cans of WD40 to drown the pump and had it spinning freely about ten minutes later.
Buoyed by that success it was back into my impression of an Indian rubber man, to renew my acquaintance
with the lovely sharp pointy bits. After almost an hour of practicing my full
vocabulary of curses, I had the pump back in place.
Relieved, I fired
up the engine but; the pump was still not working. Another hour
of bending at very un-natural angles and being continually prodded by the sharp
pointy bits, I removed the pump again and fitted a new impeller to the pump.
time I was very circumspect about starting the engine. To my absolute delight,
it pumped water as it should.
After a
couple of hours to regroup and apply a few band aids, we did a weather
inspection. It looked like thunderstorms were about to hit. Looking on the
weather radar, the thunderstorms seemed to be going well north of where we were
hour was spent looking at the weather and to-ing and fro-ing between leaving
our safe haven or travelling around North Haven. By this time dusk was
approaching. All of the above would normally mean that we would stay put.
being normal though, for some reason we both said at once, OK let’s go. The ropes were thrown off at 7.00pm and we
headed out into the river with huge black clouds off our starboard side.
the hour long trip went by without incident and by nightfall we were tied in to our pen at Crown Marina, with 2 very big sighs of relief.
surrounding area here at North Haven is much nicer than the industrial
surrounds at Marina Adelaide. The beach side walk trails have encouraged us to restart our
exercise regime and the nearby tavern beckons for our weekly "date nights".
there are several other live aboard who we have met, each with stories to tell.
Easy Tiger minus Water Rats and Sparrows in her new pen at Crown Marina. |