8/02/2014 Hearing Voices
2 days out from Middle Island on our Sailing Around Australia
Adventures aboard Easy Tiger, we started sailing into rough seas.
The swell coming behind us from the southwest was about 3 metres
high, and there was a wind wave or fetch of about half a metre travelling west.
When these two collided there was a burst of white water into the air. When
Easy Tiger was caught in between, the water pounded the bottom of the boat
between the hulls, often right underneath our feet, or underneath the bed we tried
to sleep on.
This pounding made a noise similar to a car crash. It also jarred our
joints, rattled our teeth and readjusted our spines. Then there was another one
with in a minute, then another and another. It went on for three and a half days.
During this time, we had to get used to the noises that surrounded
us. 30 knots of wind screeching through the mast’s rigging sounded similar to a
freight train passing you and as loud. Trouble is the freight train does not go
past it just carries on.
As the boat pushes along at 6 or 7 knots, the water hisses, wooshes
and slops in protest.
There are the creeks and groans of the boat’s various parts as it,
like the passengers aboard, tries to cope with the conditions. The steering
helm gives a little creek as the auto-pilot adjusts the course slightly. The
rope pulling the boom down to stretch the sail, squeaks. The kitchen cupboard
contents rattle in time with the symphony going on outside.
In fact, after a few days and nights of sitting at the helm, I was
sure that in the background of all the hubbub there was the sound of voices. Seriously, every now and then I could hear a
sudden burst of voice, like half a word, or maybe 2 words said so fast that
they were not quite distinguishable.
For a while on our second night out, I found listening out for “the
voices” was a sort of amusing way to stay awake.
“STE..” the voices said. I was sure that it was the water hissing at
me as it was forced downward from the bow, then rushed up by the transom steps.
But listening for some sort of pattern to prove this theory ended up fruitless.
“Who… Wha..” they blurted out. I was now investigating the helm
wheel. That gave a little squeak each time it was turned a certain way. It was
in the same vicinity as the culprit. It must be making one squeaking noise as
it turned one way and might be making a voice sound as it turned back the
An hour went by with my head down near the hub of the wheel. It
turned this way, that way, this way that way during that hour. My neck muscles
were burning. It gave the clearly audible squeak as usual, but nothing that
matched the sudden half words that “the voices” offered every so often.
I was about to try and straighten up and try to stop the pain in my
neck muscles, plus rest my ears, when I heard it again. Very distinctly this
time I heard a male voice saying “per…” nothing more, nothing less. Gone in an
instant, but unmistakable. I thought it came from behind me. It was now 2.00am.
I looked behind me to try and reason with myself as to what could
have created this phenonemon. In my fatigued state I started toying with the
dark side. I had heard of lone sailors and people out on the Nullabor plains
seeing strange lights and being shadowed by unexplainable beings. Is there a
different life form out there? Are they trying to get in touch? I wondered.
Then perhaps it was more ultruistic. Was it Easy Tiger trying to
communicate with me? Were my guardian angels trying to touch base? I started to
think that the male voice I distinctly heard had sounded just like a friend of
mine that had passed away a few years before. Time to get Leanne up to have a
The next night I sat right at the back of Easy Tiger, with my ear
straining at the rope that pulls the boom down, called the main sheet. This
moves around a bit as the boat crashes over waves or the wind direction or strength
alters just slightly. The resulting movement makes an “e” sound each time.
After another half hour or so, there was no other sound to be heard.
The wind and water noise at the back of the boat is quite over powering. The
wind blasting on to my face had started to snap freeze me. I decided that if that
was the cause of “the voices”, then they could have it.
The next afternoon, Leanne and I both happened to be sitting out the
back trying to resolve a few problems we had encountered on our sailing across
the great Australian bight. I was sitting in the skipper’s seat, Leanne resting
on the bench seat opposite, when I heard another performance by “the voices”.
This time there were definetly two voices having a conversation. The
words were not legible and it didn’t go for long enough to be able to “tune in”
properly so to speak. I went inside and checked the stereo system. Off. My
Ipad, Off. Leanne’s Ipad, Off. Both
Phones, off.
Perplexed, I asked Leanne if she could hear voices while skippering.
Well, you would think I just told her we had won lotto. Her outburst of relief was
astonishing. “Thank god you can hear them”, she gushed. “I thought I was going
mad or had early dementia or something. I was going to google hearing voices as
soon as we get internet cover again”.
I was taken aback. I hadn’t even nearly thought that I might be going
crazy. I just had a feeling that there was a logical solution.
As Leanne was explaining her relief that I had also heard “the voices”, I put my head down near the steering wheel trying to do a “stock take” of what
was around me. My eyes came on to the external VHF radio speaker that we had
fitted in Mandurah to be able to hear the VHF while outside the cabin.
Before we left Esperance, I had caught up on a few of the small jobs
we had not gotten around to before taking off on our sailing around Australia
adventures. One of these tasks was to connect the AIS (Automated Identification
of Ships) system. This sends out our details and can receive the details of
other boats and ships in the area, then displays all this on our navigation
plotter screen. That way we can find out what other ships in the area there are, what
course they are on and the speed they are travelling at, while sending out the
same information from Easy Tiger.
I had Brian Lowe (B1) from Urchin, come and assist me as he is the
guru of gadgets. Together we wired the AIS to send and receive the signals
through the VHF (marine two way radio) antenna. The AM and FM radio also
receives through this aerial that is on top of Easy Tiger’s 18metre high mast.
Brian explained that he had connected his AIS, using the same system,
He later found that the AM FM radio was interfering. We wired up Easy Tiger’s
AIS and thought we would just try it to see how it goes.
I moved my ear up against the speaker and immediately heard static.
That is it. Relief washed over me like a wave. The AMFM radio was catching a
very brief signal as the mast whipped forward and backward, caused by the boat
going up and over the waves. That very brief signal then transferred to the VHF
and through to the external speaker. That would explain why we often have very bad
feedback when using our VHF.
A perplexing problem had been solved.
I was almost disappointed though, that Easy Tiger is not talking to
us, my guardian angels are still hidden in the shadows and my friend is not
making contact with me from “the other side”.
On the other hand, Leanne is very happy that she is not getting
early dementia or turning into Sybal, the lady of a hundred personalities.
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Easy Tiger smashing her way across the bight. |
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